Evernote | Windows Phone Apps+Games Store (United States) Browse or download Evernote, certified for Windows Phone. ... Evernote turns your phone into an extension of your brain. This award-winning app lets you remember and recall ...
讓 Evernote 不只是筆記,10 大 App 變身生活管家:意想不到的數位應用連環報,最強大的筆記工具超活用 | T客邦 ... Evernote 已經是許多科技人必備的數位筆記工具,不過在功能上還有許多可以發揮的地方。這次我們就要介紹 10 款 App,透過手繪、自我學習、名片等功能,甚至是變身部落格 ...
Getting Started with Evernote for Windows Desktop | Evernote What's New in Evernote 5.0 for Windows Desktop. Evernote 5.0 introduces over 100 new features and improvements ...
Getting Started with Evernote Touch for Windows 8 | Evernote Remember Everything. Welcome! Evernote is the easy and powerful way to remember everything, from lifelong ...
Windows 市集中Windows 適用的Evernote Touch 應用程式 - Apps 深入了解Evernote 所開發的Evernote Touch 並從Windows 市集下載.
evernote app windows 8 - 相關部落格
Getting Started with Evernote Touch for Windows 8 | Evernote Nav Bar: Tap the icons here to navigate to the Notebook List or Tags List. The Nav Bar is always available in Evernote Touch for Windows 8 by swiping from the top or bottom edge of the screen. App Bar: Tap the icons to sort the Note List, manually sync yo
Windows 8 app update roundup: Music, Video, and Evernote receive new features and performance tweaks If you enjoy writing down notes while listening to music and watching a movie at the same time, then you are in luck because Music, Video, and Evernote for Windows 8 have received updates. Microsoft’s Music and Video applications serve as the gateway to X
開始使用Windows 8 版Evernote Touch | Evernote 當您啟動Windows 8 版Evernote Touch 時,首先映入眼簾的會是一個記事清單,此 清單是一個水平捲動清單,其中包含您 ...